Acoustic Doors
Should you have a requirement for acoustic control then Cadwell Green Doors can assist you by reducing sound with the aid of specialist perimeter seals, drop-seals or fixed blade seals to the bottom edge of the doors. These are ideal for apartment entrance doors, bedrooms, cinema rooms, gyms and the study to name but a few examples.
The purpose of an acoustic door is to prevent noise escaping from a room or for noise getting into a room. A common mistake is to specify the same decibel rating to a doorset as that required in a party wall (i.e. breezeblock or brick cavity) exemptions exist for this and the average of the whole area of the wall is taken with the doorset as a proportion.
The acoustic performance of a doorset can be influenced by:
Door size, door configuration, (single or pair), door and frame material, glazing, choice/size/positioning of ironmongery, sealing arrangement, quality of installation and if the door is being put into an existing frame.
20RwdB | Normal speech is easily overheard. |
25RwdB | Loud speech is clearly overheard. |
30RwdB | Loud speech is clearly audible under normal circumstances. |
33RwdB | Some loud speech is understood but normal speech is inaudible. |
35RwdB | Loud speech audible but not understandable. |
45RwdB | Loud speech heard faintly. |
50RwdB | Shouting will be barely audible. |
55RwdB | Shouting will not be audible. |
Rw: – The “weighted Sound Reduction Index” is a number used to rate the effectiveness of a soundproofing system or material. It expresses the difference between the sound intensity hitting one side of a structure and the resulting sound measured on the other side. Therefore, the higher the Rw number, the better a sound insulator it will be.
dB: – The Decibel (abbreviated as dB) is the unit used to measure the intensity of sound, It is a unit expressing the ratio between power and intensity. Normal conversation is at about 60 dB, a lawnmower at about 90 dB and a rock concert at about 120 dB.